Participating Organizations
InterVarsity Vision
In response to God’s love, grace and truth, InterVarsity will establish and advance at colleges and universities, witnessing communities of students and faculty who follow Jesus as Savior and Lord:
Growing in love for God, God’s Word, God’s people of every ethnicity and culture & God’s purposes in the world.

IFES/CARIFES Goal and Vision
Through leaders of integrity, our goal as CARIFES is to impact the church, the university, and all of society, training a new generation of global Christian Caribbean leaders.
Our vision is to see students thriving together as communities of disciples, transformed by the Gospel and impacting the university, the church and society for the glory of Christ.

BSAP Vision
Our vision for Black Scholars & Professionals (BSAP) is to see a generation of graduate students, faculty, and other professionals of African or African-American descent be:
- Transformed by Christ
- Renewed in our academic pursuits or professional callings
- Become agents of transformation within our African-American community, the church and the world

BCM Vision/Mission
Black Campus Ministries (BCM) is committed to reaching Black students and faculty at majority institutions and HBCUs nationwide, ministering to the unique needs of the community and laboring to develop EXTRAORDINARY BLACK CHRISTIAN LEADERS & WORLD-CHANGERS through
- Growing campus ministries
- Involvement in global and urban missions
- Pursuit of God in our fields of study and research
We hope to see the Name of Christ spread and exalted among young people who will become the next leaders of our communities and beyond.

Contact Us
Dr. Denise-Margaret Thompson-Cooper
National Director, Black Scholars and Professionals at InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA
Dr. Yaw Perbi
Pan African International Students:
International Student Ministry, Canada:
Africa to the Rest: